Calling Through Water
“Calling Through Water is the seasoned work of a multifaceted, humane and gifted poet, endowed with refinement of intellect and an artist’s eye that burnishes and transforms what it sees…”
– Eleanor Wilner
"Tidal Pull" and "Adoration of the Wings," Flyway Journal of Writing & Environment, November 2019
"Fear Is Not the Dragon," The Ekphrastic Review, April 30, 2019
“The Pashto Poems,” Atlanta Review, April 2019
“Slippage,” Iron Horse Literary Review, March 8, 2019
“Losing Tristan,” The Comstock Review, Summer 2018
“Life Lines,” Finalist in Mid-American Review Fineline Competition, 2018
“Maria Considers Her Husband’s Painting," The Ekphrastic Review, March 7, 2018
“Swimming in a Foreign Language,” Disquieting Muses Quarterly Review, Fall 2013
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Web

I grew up in a rustic beach town in California, hiking and swimming, selling strawberries and corn, and training a little wild mustang that came into my life when I was 14.
After obtaining my graduate degree, I taught English to university students and adults in Spain, then in the States, some of whom were immigrants from Vietnam and Cambodia. When I had my daughter, I began freelancing as a travel writer, then worked as a writer and editor for clients in the educational travel and other sectors. I moved to the UK in 2008 and obtained dual citizenship in 2011. While living abroad, I was fortunate to spend time in a number of countries.
Later I earned an M.F.A. from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers and now write and edit poetry, and occasionally teach, where I live with my husband and animal muses in Western Washington.
My work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, and I’m honored that Tebot Bach Press published my full-length collection, Calling Through Water in 2022. I believe in the alchemy of collaboration and have produced two chapbooks with others, Visitation, with photographer Carolyn Krieg and Sight Reading (Wolff Street Press) with poets Linda Jaffee and Ann Lovett.
I think I have always stood between cultures (and species) doing my best to try and find correspondences.